Sunday, November 28, 2010

Photography Awesomeness

Okay, I know awesomeness isn't really a word, but that's really what Nichole Van is, a bundle of awesomeness. Many people have asked me about my photography, where I've studied, what workshops I've taken etc. Like many I have not had formal photography training, just practiced and practiced, but I also have been super lucky to take participate in some great workshops. This past spring I took the NicholeV professional workshop and I have to tell you, it was the best thing I ever did as far as improving and developing my skill set. In three days I learned so much, and I still find myself reading and re-reading the workshop manual to glean more or figure out how to shoot a particular subject or scene better. I also use some of her photoshop actions and love them. Lots of range in there, from subtle to dramatic. Definitely go check out her shop: Flourish Emporium.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The {A}s

On what turned out to be one of the last decent days before winter truly descended on us, I went out with the {A}s to take some portraits in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary. They actually were married on New Years Eve, but I'm very glad they decided to bump up the photo date...northern Alberta and outdoor portraits in December could be a little nippy. They were lots of fun, and it was definitely cool to see them still in love.  Congratulations you guys, enjoy this sneak peak of your photos!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

The {M} & {M} & {R} Families

I have been super busy lately, hence my lack of posts here, but I vow to get caught up. Yesterday I got to hang out with this awesome crew for a couple of hours. Daughters {A} and {M} live in my little town, in fact {A} lives down the street, and I confess I've had some yard and outdoor decorating envy over the past four years. Due to suburban planning we have the exact same house - it's pretty cool to be able to get a glimpse of what your house *could* look like, without having to lift a finger. Thanks for inspiring me {A}! And thanks to all of you for the fun and laughs, you were great. Enjoy your sneak peak!