Wednesday, May 12, 2010

{L} Portraits

This beautiful lady is currently one of my co-workers, but sadly will be leaving us in a few short weeks. I've always appreciated her sunny disposition and can do attitude, and she will be sorely missed. We had a work retreat at Fort Edmonton Park recently and we took the opportunity to take a few photos afterward. I've really never had the desire to live in the country before. I live in a small town, but that's been country enough, no farm for me. However, as I've become more interested in photography I've had this intense desire to own land so that I can bring in my own photography props. If I ever did have the space, (and land with an old rail line!), I would definitely be on the hunt for an old rail car. Sigh, it's gorgeous! I know, silly, but a girl can dream, right?

Workshop Photos

I have been super busy since attending the Nichole Van photography workshop in Salt Lake City in March. Life truly has been a whirlwind, albeit a good one. I learned so much with Nichole, and had a great time. Here's a couple of shots from our practice session. Grads are so much fun to photograph, all the drama and fun of a wedding minus the big day stress. :) These girls were gorgeous too, that doesn't hurt!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Charming Ten Month Old

It's hard to believe that my baby will be ten months old in a few days. She is just the most darling little lady!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Real Life Pictures

Well, there are days around my house when my little people just do NOT want their picture taken anymore. I'm sure you've experienced the same thing. It can be disappointing if you have planned to have "the greatest family photo ever" and your three year old doesn't cooperate. On the other hand it doesn't get more real than this. My particular, special, adorable, little three year old has one of the best pouty faces I know. And I will look back on this photography in twenty years and love it. Maybe even more than all the cheesy grin ones. It does help though if you can at least a few sweet ones in before hand, like two brothers whispering secrets into each others ears.