Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My dear friend Jess is in town and we had to go out to "my truck" and take some photos. We actually named him, Otis, for Otis Redding of course. If the gentleman that owns this awesome vehicle ever decides that he doesn't want it anymore I will be crying my eyes out for the loss of this, my biggest photography prop.

Jess has to be one of the most gorgeous people I know, as you can see from these photos. Amazing! Thanks for the fun Jess!

Monday, June 7, 2010

{A} and {K} Grad Photos

My holiday last week put me a little behind on editing photos. I am still working away at these grad photos, so many too choose from! These girls were so much fun, I've known {A} for nearly four years, and I'm so excited for her and what the future holds. Congratulations you two, here's another little sneak peak until I'm all done.